6   ÀÚ·û½º´Ô [9126]  Áö¿Ï¹ý»ç 2008/04/17 10998 528
5   Áß±¹¿À´ë»ê¼ö»ó»ç±âµµ´ë¹ýȸ4 [737]  ÀÚ·û 2006/08/11 130998 2335
4   Áß±¹¿À´ë»ê¼ö»ó»ç±âµµ´ë¹ýȸ [3220]  ÀÚ·û 2006/08/11 414190 10956
3   Áß±¹¿À´ë»ê¼ö»ó»ç±âµµ´ë¹ýȸ3 [535]  ÀÚ·û 2006/08/11 14346 1725
2   Áß±¹¿À´ë»ê¼ö»ó»ç±âµµ´ë¹ýȸ2 [514]  ÀÚ·û 2006/08/11 27908 2717
1   Áß±¹¿À´ë»ê¼ö»ó»ç±âµµ´ë¹ýȸ [4303]  ÀÚ·û 2006/08/11 12173 959


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Warning: Unknown(): Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off, respectively. in Unknown on line 0